female sex toys

Comfort female sex toys with affordable range

Whether you fancy the Millionaire, the characters in this range of designer sex toys have been created in response to stereotypical female fantasies.
We believe it so much we created this little gathering of friends for you to play with. Happiness gadgets. Glee contraptions. Joy creators. Vibrators. Visit Us at Artificialsextoys.in, we know exactly how to keep the smile of our customer face.

We are here to create smiles and share good vibes with the world. Smiles feel great and make you look lovely because there’s happiness behind them, and they’re contagious in the best kind of way.
We think sexual health and overall health are connected, and a cheeky grin is one of the most gorgeous things you can wear. In fact, we think of a smile as the ultimate cosmetic.

Where Sanctification and privacy is concern thus artificialsextoys.in for you to overcome this.

So, if you think of buying female sex toys as well sex toys for women checkout our biggest online adult store.

adult toys online shopping

Adult Toys Online Shopping in India

Presently ecommerce experts predict that the Indian market for sex products is pegged around Rs.1,200- 1,500 crore and is expected to grow to Rs 2,450 crore in 2016 and Rs 8,700 crore in 2020, spurred by a rise in the number of people who want to spice up their sex lives.

Artificialsextoys compete with India based company, which launched in January 2013. Artificialsextoys claims to have 10,000 visitors coming to the website on monthly basis with 70% growth month on month. In January-February we have shipped over 200 products.

Portal’s 80% of the orders have been placed by male while rest comes from women. “About 60-65% orders are coming from tier 1 and metro cities and rest from smaller town.To maintain consumer privacy all three startups ensure that not even the delivery guy knows about the products inside, and importantly we don’t display their names (logos etc) on delivery box.

So, if you are thinking of adult toys online shopping then just logon to www.artificialsextoys.in and then choose your desire product by browsing our 25+ categories and then simply buy it.